Windsor, Connecticut passed a CEASEFIRE resolution on February 5, 2024


WHEREAS, the Town of Windsor advocates for the safety, dignity, freedom, and equality of all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or nationality; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Windsor is committed to promoting peace, unity, and respect for all its residents; and

WHEREAS, we recognize and stand in solidarity with our Muslim and Jewish communities, reaffirming our commitment to their safety, security, and well-being; and

WHEREAS, the sanctity of life should be preserved for all of humanity; and

WHEREAS, the armed violence in Israel and Palestine has claimed the lives of innocent civilians with tens of thousands of lives lost.

WHEREAS, hundreds of thousands of lives are at imminent risk if a cease-fire is not achieved and humanitarian aid is not delivered without delay; and

WHEREAS, the Connecticut Federal Delegation and Federal Government hold immense diplomatic power to save human lives; and


1.  The Town of Windsor calls for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and end to the hostilities in the region which are causing a horrific loss of Palestinian and Israeli life; and

2.  We express our unwavering commitment to fostering peace and unity within the Town of Windsor, and representing the voices and concerns of all its citizens; and

3.  We stand in solidarity with our Muslim and Jewish communities, affirming our commitment to their safety, security, and inclusion within the fabric of our town; and

4. We urge for the immediate release and disbursement of humanitarian aid in the region; and

5.  We urge leaders to prioritize the safety and well-being of all hostages and detainees, recognizing their right to freedom and immediate and unconditional release; and

FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Office of the President Joe Biden the Office of the Vice President Kamala Harris, the Offices of U.S. Senators Chris Murphy and Richard Blumenthal, the Office of U.S. Representatives John Larson, Jahana Hayes, Rosa DeLauro, Joe Courtney, and Jim Himes urging them to take immediate action to use their position and influence to call for a ceasefire to urgently end the violence and facilitate the entry and disbursement of humanitarian assistance.