Long Beach, California CEASEFIRE resolution passed on December 19, 2023


WHEREAS, the City of Long Beach has a longstanding commitment to advocating for peace, social justice, equity, safety, and fostering mutual respect and understanding for all people, regardless of religion, race, or nationality; and

WHEREAS, since October 8th, 2023, the day following the attacks by Hamas militants on Israel, Long Beach’s city leadership has publicly acknowledged the ongoing violence and humanitarian crisis impacting Gaza and Israel; and

WHEREAS, on November 14th, 2023, the City of Long Beach issued a statement affirming the City’s values of unity, respect, and understanding in light of the significant loss of Palestinian and Israeli lives, and condemning the increasing reports of Anti- Semitic, Islamophobic, Anti-Jewish, and Anti-Arab incidents that have occurred since October 7th; and

WHEREAS, following news of a temporary ceasefire and the release of civilian hostages, Mayor Richardson issued a statement on November 28th, 2023, reiterating calls for a permanent ceasefire, the safe return of all hostages, and lasting peace in the region; and

WHEREAS, the Long Beach City Council has previously adopted statements and resolutions on statewide, national, and international affairs deemed important to the diverse residents and constituencies that the Council represents; and

WHEREAS, a growing number of cities throughout California and across the country have approved or are actively considering statements calling for peace, a lasting ceasefire and the safe return of all hostages, including Stanton, Oakland, San Francisco, Sacramento, Santa Ana, Seattle, Detroit, Providence, and Atlanta, among others; and

WHEREAS, international organizations including the United Nations General Assembly, the World Health Organization, the U.S. Agency for International Development, and the International Rescue Committee have made calls for a ceasefire and the return of remaining hostages to prevent the further loss of civilian lives, and to be in accordance with international humanitarian law.

NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Long Beach proclaims as follows:

Section 1. The City of Long Beach stands firmly on the foundation of peace, unity, respect, and understanding. The City Council recognizes that Palestinian lives and Israeli lives have the same value, and that all human life is precious. The City Council acknowledges the current humanitarian crisis in Gaza, and has condemned the attacks on Israel. Palestinian people deserve self-determination. Israel has a right to defend itself. Palestinians and Israelis equally deserve dignity, security, and to live without harm.

Section 2. The City Council calls on our federal leaders to support negotiations that lead to a lasting humanitarian ceasefire in Israel and Gaza, the release of all hostages, the safe passage of food, water, medical supplies, and other life-saving humanitarian aid into Gaza, and a peaceful resolution that achieves both an end to the attacks on Israel by Hamas, and the protection of civilian life in Gaza and Israel.

Section 3. The City Council requests city staff to identify and promote community education resources and services to support Long Beach residents and community members affected by the ongoing conflict, including counseling and mental health services, and support groups led by cultural and religious organizations.

Section 4. The City Council unequivocally condemns all forms of violence, intolerance, racism, and xenophobia, including the recent rise of Anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, Anti-Jewish, and Anti-Arab sentiments, rhetoric, and attacks in our region and across the nation.

Section 5. The City Council requests that a copy of this proclamation be transmitted to Long Beach’s delegation of federal representatives.

Section 6. This proclamation shall take effect immediately upon its adoption by the City Council, and the City Clerk shall certify the vote adopting this proclamation.