Dearborn, Michigan CEASEFIRE resolution passed on October 24, 2023

By Sareini supported Unanimously.

10-534-23. RESOLVED:

The 34th Dearborn City Council is unified in the statement that follows:

  • We call for immediate humanitarian aid to the Civilians in Gaza.

  • Basic life necessities such as Food, Water, Medical supplies must be able to flow into Gaza to those in need.

  • Civilians must be able to get out of harm's way, and in order to do so there must be a cease fire to allow their safe passage.

  • Our fundamental human beliefs are that every civilian's life is equally valuable.

  • We call on our national leadership to prevent this conflict from spreading throughout the region, and to build a real, lasting, and just solution to this crisis.

  • To our Dearborn residents that are concerned with a rise in hate crimes, be confident that the City, with our Police Department, is on full alert, and rest assured you are safe in Dearborn.

  • We stand with our High School students, who chose to exercise their fundamental American right to peacefully protest, we denounce the media reports to the contrary; therefore be it

    RESOLVED: That this resolution be given immediate effect.

    The resolution was unanimously adopted.