Dearborn Heights, Michigan CEASEFIRE resolution passed November 14, 2023

Calling for an Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza - Council Resolution for November 14, 2023

WHEREAS: The loss of innocent civilian lives in the Middle East represents a tragic situation.

WHEREAS: The decades-long occupation has led to the displacement of thousands of individuals from their homes, either due to the absence of peace and security or as a consequence of the destruction of their residences.

WHEREAS: United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has stated that "when one looks at the number of civilians that were killed during military operations, there is something that is clearly wrong."

WHEREAS: Over two million Palestinians in Gaza are facing dire circumstances, lacking access to essential necessities such as shelter, clean water, food, electricity, and medical supplies.

WHEREAS: There is a substantial risk that this conflict may further destabilize the Middle East, posing a threat to global peace and security.

WHEREAS: Harmful rhetoric has already caused an abhorrent rise of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in the United States, endangering all of our communities.

WHEREAS: Every individual deserves the right to live in an environment marked by peace, freedom, dignity, justice, and fundamental human rights, both here and abroad. Therefore, be it

RESOLVED: That the Dearborn Heights City Council calls upon President Biden, all elected officials, and policymakers to employ their influence and authority to advocate for an immediate ceasefire.

RESOLVED: That we implore our Federal Government to facilitate the unrestricted flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza for the purpose of preserving innocent lives, reinstating peace and stability, and preventing the further proliferation of violence to neighboring regions and at home.

RESOLVED: That we urge our Federal and State Government to safeguard the lives of all citizens, both by facilitating the safe evacuation of US Citizens from the region and ensuring threats to our communities are monitored and mitigated.