Urbana, Illinois passed a CEASEFIRE resolution on March 18, 2024

RESOLUTION NO. 2024-03-013R

WHEREAS, the Urbana City Council is concerned for the wellbeing of residents who are hurting and divided by the ongoing conflict in the Middle East; and

WHEREAS, the Urbana City Council condemns the killing of innocent civilians and destruction of community infrastructure including but not limited to the attacks by Hamas in Israel and the bombing of Gaza by the state of Israel; and

WHEREAS, the Urbana City Council condemns acts of terror and terrorist organizations around the world; and

WHEREAS, the Urbana City Council believes that Palestinian and Israeli people have the right to self-determination and to live in safety and peace; and

WHEREAS, the Urbana City Council urges national and international leaders to promote a peaceful resolution of this conflict; and

WHEREAS, the Urbana City Council denounces actions that promote anti- Semitism and Islamophobia and incite acts of racially and ethnically-motivated violence and hate crimes.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council, of the City of Urbana, Illinois as follows:

  1. Call for the immediate return of all hostages taken by Hamas, living and deceased, and for release of Palestinians unjustly held by Israel.

  2. Call for just and lasting peace between Israel and Palestine, starting with an immediate and permanent cessation of all violence between Israel and Hamas, along with delivery of urgently needed humanitarian aid to Gaza as necessary step in that process.

  3. Support a solution that recognizes the sovereignty of both Israeli and Palestinian states and embraces free elections for the Knesset and Palestinian Legislative Council to promote self-determination in each.

  4. Urge all parties to abide by the decisions of the International Court of Justice.

  5. Urge local leaders and community members to acknowledge the history, experience, pain, and perspective of all Urbana residents and take steps to unify the community, not divide it.

  6. Call on the United States government and international community to stop funding weapons of war to Israel so as to create conditions for reconciliation between Israel and Palestine, which is the foundation for a just, secure, and lasting peace.

  7. Finally, be it resolved that we direct the City Clerk to immediately send copies of this resolution to President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Senator Richard Durbin, Senator Tammy Duckworth, Representative Nikki Budzinski, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken.